Banking on Bitcoin

Enabling the next generation of bitcoin-native financial services

Vulpem Ventures Isometric Logo
Vulpem Ventures is an R&D tech company with an investment wing committed to propelling Bitcoin-centric applications. We channel our in-house development experiences into funding and crafting innovative solutions, catalyzing growth and technological breakthroughs within the Bitcoin industry


Marina is the ultimate gateway designed to access the Liquid Network directly from your browser.

Marina connect
Connect your browser to the Liquid Network
Marina send and receive
Send and receive L-BTC, USDt and other assets
Marina keys logo
Generate and secure keys on your browser
Marina extension mockup
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Nigiri is a local regtest development box for Bitcoin and Liquid

Nigiri Bitcoin logo
Run Bitcoin and Liquid in regtest mode
Electrs and Esplora for easy development
Faucet, mint and broadcast with a command
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Liquid Taxi

Move your Liquid assets without owning L-BTC to pay the fees

Integrate Taxi API in your own Wallet
Confidential transaction support
Discounted pricing for larger volumes
Liquid Taxi Logo
Try the demo


Trade Liquid assets in the browser with Marina extension screenshot
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Tailored Solutions

We architect and deploy integrated blockchain and Bitcoin solutions.

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